Using CA 11 [ADCA-110]

Duration not available

Corporate training

Course Description

This course will introduce students to CA 11, the Automated Recovery and Tracking System from CA Inc. The course serves as an overview to users who must work in a CA 11 controlled environment.


During the Using CA 11 course, students will learn:
  • The purpose of CA 11.
  • The difference between restarts, reruns, and production runs.
  • How CA 11 is implemented in MVS jobs.
  • To use the CA 7/CA 11 interface to restart jobs.
  • The different modes of CA 11 job processing.
  • JCL guidelines to assist CA 11 in job restartability.
  • The CA 11 facilities available for rerun tracking.
  • The management reports available from CA 11.
  • To use the CA 11/ISPF interface to perform online inquiries and updates.


Overview of CA 11
  • Product Description
  • Product Purpose
  • Concepts and Terminology
Rerun Handling
  • Overview
  • UCC11RMS Step
  • UCC11RMS Processing Types
  • Reason for Rerun
  • Using CA 7 to Restart Jobs
  • Guidelines for Restartable JCL
Rerun Tracking
  • Overview
  • Structure
  • Definition of Spoilage
CA 11/ISPF InterfaceManagement Reports
  • UCC11RCP
  • UCC11MGR
  • UCC11CRD
CA 11 Operations
  • CA 11 Startup
  • CA 11 Console Messages
  • CA 11 Shutdown
  • Database Maintenance


Programmer, analysts, technical support personnel, operators, or anyone using MVS JCL.


No certification available.


  • Basic MVS JCL, or equivalent experience.


Please contact us for upcoming schedules. Email Us