CA-Easytrieve Plus Fundamentals [ADCA-115]

Duration not available

Corporate training

Course Description

This course teaches students the basic techniques required to use CA-Easytrieve Plus, an information management and report generator tool. A series of lab exercises will be used to reinforce the classroom education.


Upon completion of CA-Easytrieve Plus Fundamentals course, students will be able to:
  • Define files to be processed.
  • Format a report with titles and footings.
  • Use relation logic to accept and reject records for reporting.
  • Define working storage fields.
  • Perform arithmetic calculations.
  • Move data between record fields and work areas.
  • Sort data.
  • Format numeric data for the report.
  • Define control breaks and subtotaling for reports.
  • Build and write output data files.
  • Perform table searching.
  • Use arrays in Easytrieve Plus processing.
  • Perform synchronized file processing.


Introduction to Easytrieve Plus
  • Purpose
  • Easytrieve Environments
  • JCL Requirements
Basic Easytrieve Reporting
  • Basic Statement Syntax
  • Easytrieve Program Structure
  • Environment Section
  • Library Section
    • Defining Files
    • Defining Fields
  • Activity Section
  • Report Subactivity
Enhancing Easytrieve Reports
  • REPORT Statement Parameters
  • TITLE Statement Parameters
  • LINE Statement Parameters
  • HEADING Statement
  • SEQUENCE Statement
  • Generating Multiple Reports
  • Report Routing
  • Generating Label Reports
Arithmetic and Conditional Processing
  • Working Storage Fields
  • Assignment Statement
  • IF Statement
  • CASE Statement
  • DO WHILE / DO UNTIL Statements
  • STOP Statement
  • GOTO Statement
  • DISPLAY Statement
  • Defining Procedures
  • PERFORM Statement
Totals, Control Reports and Summary Files
  • Creating Report Totals
  • SUM Statement
  • CONTROL Statement
  • Creating Control Reports
  • Creating and Using Summary Files
Virtual File Manager and Sorting
  • Introduction to Virtual File Manager
  • Designating VFM-Managed Files
  • COPY Statement
  • SORT Statement
Programmer Controlled I/O
  • Requesting Controlled I/O
  • GET Statement
  • STOP Statement
  • Defining Output Files
  • MOVE Statement
  • PUT Statement
Tables and Array Processing
  • Defining Instream Tables
  • Defining External Tables
  • SEARCH Statement
  • Defining Arrays
  • Accessing an Array
Synchronized File Processing
  • Overview
  • Implementing Synchronized File Processing
  • Identifying Duplicate Records in Files


End-users, application programmers, business analysts, and others with a need to create reports using Easytrieve Plus.


No certification available.


  • TSO/ISPF, or equivalent experience.
  • Basic MVS JCL, or equivalent experience.
  • Previous experience in designing and coding application programs is not required, but will enhance the results of this course.


Please contact us for upcoming schedules. Email Us