SAP Information Design Tool [ADSAP-100]

Duration not available

Corporate training

Course Description

This course prepares employees for using SAP Information Design Tool (IDT) to create BusinessObject universes. Topics to be covered include universe creation, creating relational database connections, creating Data Foundations, creating Business Layers, folders and objects, filters, table aliases, aggregate awareness, viewing table keys, publishing and securing universes, index awareness and universe maintenance. The course includes hands-on exercises in using IDT to create universes. The lab data is designed to provide exposure to a range of realistic scenarios.


Upon completion of the SAP Information Design Tool course, students will be able to:
  • Explain the concept of a BusinessObjects universe.
  • Explain the purpose of Information Design Tool.
  • Describe the process of creating Single and Multiple Source connection universes.
  • Create Data Foundations.
  • Create Business Layer views.
  • Create folders and objects.
  • Create dimensions, attributes, and measures.
  • Create filters within the different layers.
  • Using queries to test the Business layer.
  • Publish universes for use by other BO products.


Getting Started with IDT
  • What is IDT?: Basic Architecture, Infrastructure, Defining Layers, Definitions Review, Universe Development Process
  • Executing IDT
  • Using IDT: The IDT User Interface, Setting Preferences, Online Help
Projects and Connections
  • Creating Local Projects
  • Defining Connections
  • Setting Connection Parameters
  • Using the Connection Editor
  • Publishing Connections
Building a Data Foundation Layer
  • Creating the Data Foundation
  • Inserting Database Tables
  • Displaying Table Properties
  • Displaying Column Properties
  • Detecting/Setting Keys
  • Counting Table Rows
  • Profiling Column Values
Extending the Data Foundation
  • Creating Calculated Columns
  • Creating Time Columns
  • Inserting Derived Tables
  • Defining Joins
  • Resolving Loops: Alias Tables, Contexts
  • Checking Data Foundation Integrity
Business Layer Basics
  • What is a Business Layer?
  • Components of a Business Layer
  • Creating a Business Layer
  • Inserting Folders
  • Inserting Dimensions
  • Inserting Attributes
  • Inserting Measures
  • Turning Measures and Attributes into Measures
  • Specifying Display Formats
  • Creating Query Objects
  • Testing the Business Layer
  • Checking Business Layer Integrity
Filtering Data
  • Creating Filter Objects
  • Object vs. Universe Level Filters
  • Optional and Mandatory Filter Settings
  • Setting/Deleting Column Filters
  • Filter Testing
  • Creating and Implementing Custom Lists of Values
  • Creating and Implementing Parameters
Testing and Publishing Universes
  • Publishing a Local Universe
  • Publishing a Universe to a Repository


Business analysts that need to create the BusinessObjects connections, data foundations and business layers as an interface to the data in a data warehouse, data mart, or database.


No certification available.


Prior experience with Excel and SQL would be helpful, but not required.


Please contact us for upcoming schedules. Email Us