Cloud Native Operations Bootcamp [CN251]

Duration not available

Corporate training

Course Description

Cloud Native Operations Bootcamp is an intensive cloud native training bootcamp for IT professionals looking to develop skills in deploying and administering containerized applications in Kubernetes. Over the course of five days, students will start with learning about first principles for application containerization followed by learning how to stand up a containerized application in Kubernetes, and, finally, ramping up the skills for day-1 operating tasks for managing a Kubernetes production environment. This course is ideal for those who need to accelerate the development of their IT skills for a rapidly-changing technology landscape.



  • Containerization motivations and implementation
    • Usecases
    • Comparison to virtual machines
  • Creating, managing and auditing containers
    • Container implementation from the Linux kernel
    • Container lifecycle details
    • Core container creation, auditing and management CLI
  • Best practices in container image design
    • Layered filesystem implementation and performance implications
    • Creating images with Dockerfiles
    • Optimising image builds with multi-stage builds and image design best practices
  • Single-host container networking
    • Docker native networking model
    • Software defined networks for containers
    • Docker-native single-host service discovery and routing
  • Provisioning external storage
    • Docker volume creation and management
    • Best practices and usecases for container-external storage.
  • Make effective use of pod architecture
  • Deploy workloads as Kubernetes controllers
  • Provision configuration at runtime to Kubernetes workloads
  • Network pods together across a cluster using native services
  • Provision highly available storage to Kubernetes workloads
  • Package an application as a Helm chart
  • Kubernetes High Availability
    • Review the basic architecture of a Kubernetes cluster
    • Install a well-validated HA Kubernetes cluster on a collection of hosts
    • Load balance kubectl commands across an HA Kubernetes cluster
  • Managing Application Deployment
    • Review how pods are scheduled on worker nodes
    • Examine the node selector
    • Discuss implementing the impact of taints and tolerations for Kubernetes workloads
    • Review both pod and node affinity and anti-affinity
  • Releasing Application Updates
    • Discuss releasing updates to applications running on the Kubernetes platform
    • Explore native tooling for updating application
    • Examine how Helm manages updating applications
  • Application High Availability
    • Review the architecture required to achieve high availability for applications
    • Discuss best practices for using liveness and readiness probes
    • Explore Kubernetes auto-scaling of applications
    • Discuss how to prioritizing Kubernetes workloads
  • Routing Network Traffic
    • Discuss network routing options within Kubernetes
    • Discuss the benefits of the Ingress controller and object
    • Examine the Ingress object and controller pattern
  • Provisioning Storage
    • Review available storage options for applications
    • Discuss constraints of persistent storage in a standard Kubernetes cluster deployment
    • Examine the storageClass object
  • Kube Security: Implementing RBAC
    • Discuss RBAC implementation within Kubernetes
    • Examine Kubernetes RBAC components
    • Review Auditing within Kubernetes
    • Determine how to enable Auditing within a Kubernetes cluster
  • Kubernetes Network Security
    • Review the the Kubernetes Networking Model
    • Discuss how Network Security is managed within the Kubernetes cluster
    • Examine managing network security with native and non-native Kubernetes tooling
    • Explain the native method of creating Network Policies
  • Securing an Application Workload
    • Identify security mechanisms available to security between containers, pods, and the Kubernetes cluster
    • Discuss strategies for enabling flexibility within security policy while maintaining security compliance
    • Examine how to enable Pod Security Policies
  • Multi-Tenancy in Kubernetes
    • Discuss multi-tenancy in a Kubernetes cluster
    • Examine native Kubernetes objects used for enabling multi-tenancy capability
    • Discuss multi-tenancy methods for Kubernetes
  • Audience

    General technical audiences & IT professionals


    No certification available.


    • At least six months experience in cloud infrastructure administration
    • Familiarity with the Bash shell: filesystem navigation and manipulation, command line text editors like vim or nano, common tooling like curl, wget and ping
    • Familiarity with YAML and JSON notation


    Please contact us for upcoming schedules. Email Us