SDET is a 10-day training course designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in roles that involve both software development and software testing.
Unit 1: Python
- Basics of Python
- Introduction to Python
- Python Programming
- Web Scraping
- Automation
Unit 2: Selenium WebDriver
- Browser Handling
- Locating Elements
- Handling WebElements
- Synchronization
- Handling Windows
- Alerts and Frames
- JavaScript Executor
Unit 3: Selenium TestNG
Unit 4: Selenium WebDriver with Maven
Unit 5: Cucumber Behaviour Driven Development
Unit 6: JIRA
Unit 7: Selenium Framework
Unit 8: API Testing Using SOAP UI
- Groovy Script fundamentals
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Understanding WSDL
- SOA and Web Services Testing
- Mock web services using SOAP UI
- Groovy and SOAP UI
- REST API Testing
- Advanced Rest API Concepts
Unit 9: Mobile Testing
- Overview
- Strategy
- Approach
- Scope
Unit 10: Appium
- Introduction to Appium
- Locator
- Native Apps Automation
- Native Apps Automation
- Hybrid Apps
- Appium iOS
- Framework.