CyberArk Fundamentals course develops your skills and provides the expertise needed to build, deploy, and configure the Privileged Account Security Solution. Through real-world scenarios, you will gain hands-on experience establishing CyberArk infrastructure, defining authentication types, and more.
Module 1: Privileged Identity Management – Introduction
- Enterprise pain areas
- Associated risk
- Expected Solution
Module 2: CyberArk Overview
Module 3: CyberArk Solution Components
- CyberArk Vault
- Password Vault Web Access Manager
- Privileged Session Manager
- Central Password Manager
- CyberArk Vault Client.
Module 4: Overview of CyberArk functioning
Module 5: CyberArk Infrastructure Installation
- Installation Pre-requisites (Network, Software OS/Hardware)
- CyberArk Port awareness.
- CyberArk Vault Installation.
- CyberArk Active Directory Integration.
- CyberArk Email Notification engine configure awareness.
- CyberArk CPM Installation.
- CyberArk PVWA Installation.
- CyberArk PSM Installation.
- CyberArk Vault Client Installation.
Module 6: CyberArk Policy Configuration Overview
Module 7: CyberArk Policy Creation
- Master Policy
- CPM Platform Policy
- Scheduled Task
- Services
Module 8: CyberArk Safe Management
- Safe Creation
- User addition (Ldap)
- User Access Matrix
- Dual Control
- Object Level Access Control
Module 9: CyberArk Account Integration
- Windows
- Unix/Linux
- Network Device Overview
- Security Device Overview
Module 10: CyberArk Use Cases
- User OnBoarding
- Privileged Single-Sign-on
- Password Reconciliation
- Access privilege of User Accounts in PAM
- Authentication (2-factor) Overview
- Dual Access Control
- Auditing/Reporting
- Session Recording
- Users OffBoarding
Module 11: CyberArk Vault Backup Activity
Module 12: CyberArk Trouble Shooting
- Creating an encrypted credential password file for pvwaapp user
- Creating an encrypted credential password file for gw user
- Creating an encrypted credential password file for a password manager user
- Creating an encrypted credential password file for psmapp user creating an encrypted credential password file for psmgw user
- Unlocking and password resetting of all above-mentioned system users
Module 13: CyberArk DR Overview
- DR Vault