Azure OpenAI Workshop aims to help businesses unlock the benefits of AI and machine learning using Azure technologies. AI moves incredibly fast, take our workshop to ensure that you remain ahead of the curve and the competition with Generative AI.
Module 1: Introduction to Azure Open Al Service
- Introduction to OpenAl
- Azure OpenAl service
- Comparing Azure OpenAl and OpenAl
- Responsible Al
- Components and key concepts
- Azure OpenAl Service quotas and limits
Module 2: Using Azure OpenAl service models and key concepts
- Azure OpenAl Service models and model sets
- Legacy models
- ChatGPT models (gpt-35-turbo and GPT-4)
- GPT-4
- DALL-E (Preview)
- Embeddings models
- AOAl Text and Code models - Capabilities and use cases
- Finding the right model
Module 3: Understanding Prompt Engineering, content filtering and Embeddings
- Introduction to prompt engineering
- Prompt engineering techniques
- Introduction to Abuse monitoring and Content Filtering
- Understanding embeddings in Azure OpenAl Service
- Cosine similarity
- How to generate embeddings with Azure OpenAl
- Azure OpenAl on your data (preview)
Module 4: Work with text and code completion
- Generate or manipulate text using Completions endpoint
- Generating and manipulating code using Codex
- Customizing the model by preparing dataset
- Fine-tuning your model
Module 5: Security, high availability, monitoring and responsible Al
- Configuring Azure OpenAl Service with Managed Identities and Azure Cognitive Services virtual networks
- Manage quota
- Using Azure OpenAl with large datasets
- Azure OpenAl Service encryption of data at rest
- BCDR considerations with Azure OpenAl Service
- Monitoring Azure OpenAl Service
- Planning to manage costs for Azure OpenAl Service
- Responsible Al